A (very smart) girlfriend of mine recommended a new type of "journaling" that's a mix of to-do list, schedule, and note-taking about your day. Since I have been feeling totally overwhelmed with my mind full of details, and I'm in the final countdown of likely less than ten days to casting off for Hawaii, I decided to try it.
Day two, and it's the best.
Today was much more focused and productive because last of night's quick "journal." There are a number of little things left to be done, and I tackled some of those. But what's SUPER exciting is that we basically finished two of the four major remaining projects left that are blocking departure.
1. We ran all of the wiring for ☀️ solar, hooked up the charge controllers, and wired it all to the batteries. Huuuuuuge feat! All that's left tomorrow is to mount the flexible panels (drill holes on corners, insert grommet, tie down panel) and literally just plug them in. Whee! I'll now have 350 watts of flexible solar panels to keep us topped up with plenty of juice to run our electronics.
2. We finished the additional CNG tank project, after months of working at it! Backstory, my boat has a small cooking stove that is original, and in 1985 they thought Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) would be the next big thing. Didn't quite work out that way, and it's nearly impossible to find in most of the world. I use about a tank every two months, if conserving carefully, so I wanted to double my holding capacity from three tanks to six, to give us a year of fuel. The project required visiting a local scuba store and building a stable, safe place to store them close to centerline.
The final two major projects: installing netting around the boat to keep Zia a bit safer, and installing the Airhead composting toilet (which requires tearing out the current sewage system).
Tomorrow will be a smelly day.
(RC - thanks for the bullet journaling tip. :) ❤️