Sailing Magazine

I'm A Cover Girl!!! (and so is Windfola . . . )


I’m so honored and stoked to announce that I’m ON THE COVER of LATITUDE 38 this month AND wrote a feature article on making landfall in New Zealand! If you wanna see where I was when I took this pic, go pick up a copy of the February Latitude 38 Magazine issue. They can typically be found at your nearest west coast chandlery, marina, or boatyard, like my Bay Area faves: South Beach Yacht Club KKMI Boatyard Svendsen's Marine Reliable Marine Electronics and my San Diego faves, Koehler Kraft Boatyard and San Diego Marine Exchange And while you’re at it, snap a pic with your copy of the issue and share it to show Latitude 38 some love!

I also wrote a feature article in the issue, all about making landfall in New Zealand and what it’s been like to cruise and do boat repairs here. Take some time and give it a read!

Thank you so much to my awesome hometown sailing magazine for your support as I follow my circumnavigation dream, and for just keeping it REAL for all of us small-time sailors on old boats!

Oh, and in this pic I’m rocking my fearlessness necklace in support of the Joyful Heart Foundation who are doing amazing work for women, children, and families across the US. Thank you for healing hearts!

If you can’t get your hands on a copy, you can always read the digital edition at